Witch Hazel – Good For So Many Things!
I use witch hazel as a face astringent every day. It has rose and aloe vera added. My face feels fantastic. So when I came across this web article about 14 uses, I just had to share. Go check out the website to read the article HERE and let me know what you think.
1.Natural Astringent
2. Fades Bruises and Blemishes
3. Brighten Around Eyes
4. Shrink Swollen Veins
5. Stop Bleeding
6. Post Hair Removal
7. Hemorrhoid Relief
8. Treat Swollen Gums
9. Ease Sore Throat
10. Dry Up Swimmers Ear
11. Sooth Diaper Rash
12. Cool Down Sunburn
13. Neutralize Contact Dermatitis
14. Bug Bites and Stings
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