Talk about EOs comes up alot! How to use… When to use… Which one to use… Which company to buy from…
We all have a friend or know someone that is using essential oils for something. Could be as a natural ingredient for cleaning. Most of the time, we use for simple health cures – like lavender to aid in sleep and relaxation. I’m a fan of putting a little lavender in the bath or diffusing eucaplytus and fir silver with palo santo for my sinuses.
I will say that most essential oils should be used with respect and consulting with someone that has knowledge about how to use is very important. My knowledge is limited to Level One and I don’t come close to knowing enough on most occasions. I do, however, feel like we are using EOs in an abusive way. There is no reason to ingest or drop EOs directly onto the skin. Not even lavender. Essential oils are the product of such quantity of plant that it could be toxic if too much is used/taken. Always consider a carrier oil.
I found a blog post that talks about “fails” using oils (click HERE for the post). We look at all the good stuff and forget that there are two side. Please be informed and make good decisions. And consider talking to an Herbalist or Aromatherapist. These two practitioners should have training and be accredited.
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